Sunday, April 18, 2004

TV on the Radio were incredible Friday; as Ryan put it rather eloquently, their "soul punk" was pretty inspiring and heavy hitting-- too bad I had to duck out in the middle of "Ambulance" to the bathroom and ralph up all my Baja Fresh in that dirty dingy Fireside bowling alley. I have realized that better health and college do not mix well together at all; in fact most choices you make in college (well, I guess, I make) are pretty much detrimental and disadvantgeous to gaining better health. The show was at Fireside bowl, sold out, packed, sweaty, stifling, and most of all- sweltering. It was pretty much unavoidable. Too bad it happened again last night.
So, instead of just staying under my sheets watching Southpark and getting some healthy sleep to kill this cold, I caved into Sarahmaria and Eddy's calls and slammed down 40's and Bacardi at the apartment en route to a Bowie tribute show at Nevin's. It was a lot of fun, but also completely stupid, as the same fate befell upon me as the night before, and I'm nowhere near getting over this stupid cold. Though, despite messy details, the Bowie tribute was rather enjoyable (as are all things after a 40) and the apartment was a great time, as always (and I'm even getting decently better at fooseball).
And I can't believe its 84 degrees outside (currently warmer than Baton Rouge!). This campus is completely different under the sun. Yesterday I woke up to a glorious kickball game in long field, where we won the championship! (Only one other team than us showed up.) We took our gift certificates and all got snacks at the Unicorn Cafe. Frisbee on the Lake and all over campus followed. My thoughts keep slipping into the summer, of enjoying sun in the Chicago area, but I must restrain myself. It's so frustrating that I don't know when we'll find out about our summer grant. I'm getting more nervous and anxious about it, since I'm hearing of the overwhelming applications and proposals made this year. Keep your fingers crossed, please.
Anna just told me to eat some saltines and drink some 7up, but slowly. So I think I'm gonna try that.

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