Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Three Cheers
Man, have I felt worthless lately. It seems like my body begs for sleep every still minute, and I can't seem to get myself to do ANYTHING productive; I haven't done laundry, haven't written my grant proposal, I haven't gotten my keys, I haven't started Video Doc stuff, NOTHING! And cyncism and over-criticism is starting to uncomfortably seep in, but the most troubling thing is I don't know exactly why. I'm starting to skip classes (gulp) already! It's only the freakin' second week!

On another note, fake friends suck (or at least people who act like them from time to time). Yeah this is kind of a downer entry, but... But! I'm doing laundry as I type and I have this Trio Los Panchos cd that my parents sent me yesterday. It's the earliest musical memories I have, and the music is purely blissful to me... it definitely means much more to me than just music, but its also just amazingly beautiful unto itself. Playing it last night for Max, Ryan, and Andy, I was really shocked how much they were also enjoying it... so ask me for a copy of it sometime. I really don't want to describe it and praise it in hyperbole, as it feels... cheap? and unnecessary (almost disrespectful) to do so, other than saying it's very meaningful and me. Plus, I bought some groceries and made myself a mighty mean Pesto Turkey Sandwich with Munster Cheese. Yum. Three cheers for productivity!

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