Tuesday, April 20, 2004

A few notes:
- I listened to all of Low by David Bowie today on the purple express to downtown today. The first six or seven tracks were compulsively listenable, but thank God I did not name my ex-fish Warzawa (sorry Eddy). I could not really stand the last half of the album, maybe it was the glorious sun basking all of Chicago, or the thought of maybe meeting that girl again at Central Camera, but I was not a fan of the heavy Kubrick-soundtrack synths and omnious booms of Bowie's dark meanderings. I switched on Revolver soon after. Yeeaaahh.
-I am no good at reading "code," as Krista pointed out tonight. I used to be once long ago, but it seems as if my college years have dulled it down to a blunt flat worn out eraser. I have much more guy friends here than I did in high school, and drastically less girl friends which undoubtedly contributes to my "code" deficiency. I always get a slight impression that all the freshmen girls think I hate them, which is really terrible because I have very little hate stored up in these bones, all of which are solely directed towards those who flick my abnormal ear lobes and plus Allison Brown doesn't have my screename anymore.
-As hot as our proposal is, each day passing makes me this much more worrisome about summer plans. If by some reason the grant overseers lack a soul or any sense of what needs to be funded (nanotechnology? c'mon! gimme animated monkeys!), I have no back-up plan (remember that this is Plan D). Which is I guess cool, and all, but everything is riding on this. Like gravity.
-I was on the front page of the Daily today! I look hardcore pitching this ball to a joker who'll pop fly the sucker right to Andy. I am proud that if I were to be on the front of the Daily Northwestern for anything, it would be me playing kickball. And speaking of exhibitionism, apparently my 280 final was screened at Block today. Too bad I had no idea it was. Appearently it looked sexy on the big screen so that's nice.
My camera's all fixed and I plan on taking many pictures tomorrow--new pictures are on the way, along with some collages I did tonight for your comments. After all, this was a site originall about images, not non-commital communication and alienation right? Hello?

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