Sunday, March 14, 2004

Last Dance
ACk! So, after working dilligently all day in the darkroom, I go out to get a bite to eat and purchase some matteboard to mount my prints as soon as they dried for my critique tomorrow. I come back, and the @#$^!@#$^!# darkroom is locked! It closed early! My prints are locked away til 9 tomorrow morning. Which means, instead of taking care of everything today, I'm gonna have to wake up super early, work on the matteboard, wait til the darkroom opens, rush rush rush to get my prints out and slap 'em on the boards (and reprint several pictures as well). ARGUH! And I'm gonna have to leave in the middle of the critique to catch a cab and pray I make my flight to Baton Rouge, which means I'm gonna have to pack and have everything ready by tonight.
And so that means this will probably the last entry I'll drop in a while. Baton Rouge will be gloriously boring and perfect, and California will be an experience all unto itself. Too bad that this spring break will start exactly like last year's, spending all of this friday in airports. Get this: I'm gonna be flying from New Orleans to Los Angeles by Charlotte. Charlotte! That's South Carolina! I'm gonna be flying from roughly the middle of the country, to the opposite coast I want to go to, and ultimately fly across all of the United States to LA. But I'll arrive finally with Ryan, Andy, and Adam waiting for me, so that'll be nice (unlike Savannah...where I showed up...and nobody was there...). Hopefully by the time Spring Quarter starts again, I will have read one book, gotten spoiled on good food again, fished, hiked, drove, and so much more. Glorious. Let's just hope I'll be able to make it til noon tomorrow.... rock it!!

P.S. So Ryan tells me that he's looking into getting a bass soon... so we can officially start rocking out. We miss nothing more than being able to play music for people back in our seperate high school days, and um, yeah, something might happen. Anybody wanna be in a band? ROCK IT!

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