Sunday, February 22, 2004

The Week is Finally Here
Wow, what a weekend...I did the math, counted the hours, and it turns out that I worked 88 freakin percent of the weekend off. 88%! You can attribute it to the most disastrous, chaotic, and "professional" film shoot I've ever experienced. This is that professional music video I talked about earlier for this band Sleeping at Last, with Ryan's friend's brother Matt Ornstein directing. It was so awful that all of my friends (including myself) were this close to walking off set. Yes, that bad. I won't go too much into details, just because even trying to describe the whole experience is exhausting, but here are some select scenes of the weekend:
1. Getting yelled at by Matt for carrying the 24hp camera, as he ordered me to 2. Eating for the first time Saturday (calltime @10am) Ravioli with my bare hands (as silverware was absent) as the producers giggle like girls passing blunts around 3. driving and parking up and down Michigan Ave looking for the winnebago's sideview mirror that got clipped by a bus 4. talking on the phone and hearing the winnebago back into a chevy dakota
But the worst part of everything is that my camera that I got for Christmas broke on set because I was helping the director set up a tripod while he was having a hissyfit. They better be paying for it and get their insurance to cover it, or I will raise hell. I don't get mad often, but man, this is one of my most prized possessions (and most expensive) and if they don't fix it from their own disorganization and idiocy I'll...well I can't do much about it but I will hound Matt down like a bitch and make me give me his money. Phew, had to get that off my chest.
At the very least, it'll be cool to see the video on MTV2 one day, sit back, and say "I did that shot. That shot too, and that one." So its very nice now having some time to sit down and, consequently, work on the site! Added a big post about photography class below, read it and leave a comment if you like. I'm thinking of changing the title of the site...what do you think of it? Too dumb? Too Beatlesque? Suggestions? Hopefully my next post will be about the movies and music I've checked out recently (see right)... let's hope the week is a little more relaxing this time round.

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