Saturday, May 15, 2004

In belated, though nonetheless enormous, news: WE GOT THE GRANT!! Summer plans are definite now: I will be subletting Zack's room in ol' 809 Noyes staying here in the wacky Midwest. It was a bit bewildering hearing the news, as I've tried to suppress all anxiety, and thus, all thought, on the whole matter and now the reality is hitting me full in the face. I'm going to be animating all summer! I honestly cannot think of a better way to spend this summer. Well, maybe I can. Regardless, it's going to be intense. I don't know how the money or the technical stuff will work out, but it doesn't matter: at the very least I'm going to be drawing an assload this summer and that's all that really matters. So that makes the schedule look like this:

June 11-23: Lima, Peru & Machu Picchu (visiting Diana, Sofia, Sergio, y Andres!)
June 24-July 2(ish?): Family time in Baton Rouge
July 3- August 10: Grant Time
August 10-20: another visit home for Ben, Laura, Houston and crew?
August 20ish: The Cape Cod Caper (car willing...)

And then in Evanston drawing, working, frisbee golfing (I promise I'm not a hippie), and watching a whole lot of movies and cartoons, and reading as many books as I can squeeze in (mainly just finish all these half-read books. My backlog is almost as bad as my laundry). Hmm, now that I think about it, time for completing the grant may be tricky.
More tricky though, will be convincing Papa to bring my beloved CRV up here for the summer. I think I've already got Mama on my side, but it really depends on my old man. My poor car got broken into last fall and some bastards took off with my stereo; however, insurance replaced it with a satellite XM radio!! A satellite XM radio that's just sitting there in my car collecting Southern dust. There are so many good reasons why I should bring the vehicle up here, but that still might not convince Papa, especially as frazzled as he is these days. If I do get it, the Cape Cod Caper will become a reality and a glorious New England roadtrip will take place (a first for me!). Cross your fingers...
I've posted the drawings and some sketches for Exquisite Corpse on the right. Poor Nate has been unbelievably busy and absorbed in his editing, and has not had the chance to post them up yet, so I'll beat him to it. Tell me what you think of them below; give me some feedback! I'm pretty pleased with it so far. I'd been focusing on character designs more than anything else, and I think that showed in the drawings so I'm trying to get away from that (specifically, create more all encompassing drawings that aren't just showcases for character). And maybe try watercoloring again... I don't know. We'll see. If only people had written more this week...

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