Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I've been having these straaange dreams lately, the kind that mush and weave everything in your head together so at times I'm walking around and I can't seperate fact/fiction/musings/wishes when I hear a song or see a place... my brain just freezes. And trying to unpeel subconcious layers through Kierkegaard, late nights, and readings is puttin my head through a total headspin right now. But it could also be midterms, too.

But first some (very) sad news: my favorite shawarma shop here has closed for business. I knew the guy was waiting for word on his visa anyday now, but, dammit, I need delicious shawarma closure. I wish him the best of luck in San Diego, and any San Diegoans there should keep an eye out for City Falafel in August. Other things I miss: my speakers, Colita, the ol' CRV, and of course temperatures above 30. I'm also missing maduros but, really, when am I ever not?

But some good news! After this second week of cramming and all nighters, Mama, Papa, and Tatana will all be here and it will be SPRING BREAK. Now, Danes here take their vacations very seriously, and as such I will have a longer SB than I usually get for Christmas. I'll be with the family for most of the first week, hopefully squeeze a weekend in Amsterdam before spending a week in Russia and then flying off for a week in the Mediterranean (soon to be my favorite place) with the much-missed Annie, touring Morocco and the Isle of Capri. Yes, be jealous. You know you wanna.

And then, all of a sudden, it will be April. But of course April can never be as cool as March, and thank y'all for all the emails and messages for the b-day. It was quite a blast, a good and worthy followup of Birthdaypalooza; the entire dorm was throwing a huge party, Tour de Bloc, in where everybody drinks from block to block (they're like tons of them) sampling everybodys liquor, ending at the bar in Albertslund. Needless to say, it was a doozy, and I made it to 25 (sharpies and witnesses to prove it!)... saw tons of people and friends and woke up with mysterious bruises (always a good sign).

But, the flipside of this wholly unproductive weekend is four midterms and a paper all due before the end of the week. Rock it. Will be posting more visual stuff soon, the digital camera will be here just in time for Russia, and by that time I should actually have some cool stuff to show yall. Til then, vi ses.

snazzy pants

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