Friday, September 08, 2006









What up! Does anybody check this site anymore? Well, if you do, I plan on updating this thing more on a regular schedule, as now that I've moved into The Big City, I'm a bit more receptive on entertaining my thoughts/art innerwards and internetwards... I guess. Big city, lots to digest, lots and lots of everything. Anyways, these are some illys I did for UJI (United Jazz International), which is a new company that promises revolution!, so we'll see how that pans out. NYC is great, NYC is intense, I sleep on the floor, the ground rumbles and shakes, I wake up sore and hungover. I think I can get used to living here, so maybe you can give me a steady job?

1 comment:

zenovia said...

i really like your sketches!!!
i open your site to check the jan 22 post: there is one of my favorite with the passport.