Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Boom! Another post. This is a detail of an oil pastel thing (oil pastel= way underrated) I did last night. It's dedicated to Eileen, Sarahmaria and Zach, off a drunken late night picture from one 809 Noyes party, who knows which one. Just a little exercise to get into a groove. Groove been interrupted by deflating air mattressess, hungover days, visiting good friends, and also that trying-to-find-a-job thing. I'm trying not to be too much of a hermit, but it kinda goes with what I need to be doing here... it's not like I commute to Times Square for work (!) and talk to jazz musicians or Antartic explorers and bump into Jay-Z (unlike some friends). Speaking of which, my celebrity sighting here is a grand total of ZERO and I feel, like, so lame. Alex Mack was supposed to come to a shingdig here the other night, but I had too much JD and wouldn't even've remembered if she did. College is apparently not over til I say so.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

You are the sweetest, cutest! This touches my old withered heart. I miss you! You must come and visit. Definitely next summer. We will go to the beach, enjoy fine greens, and I'll make you ribs. Kisses kisses kisses.