Saturday, July 14, 2007


Everything happens in threes. Well, actually, I really hope not, but I seem to live consistently in three month cycles. Which explains why it feels like it's been four or so years rather than the actual one year since graduation. And also why I'm giving NY another shot. It's not as much a matter of whether it's a good idea or bad idea, rather, it's just figuring out which one's going to ultimately weigh heavier when s'all said & done.

Above is an illo for a children's book for Mott Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI, for hospital-stay kids. Doesn't that sound like the best "Wedding Crashers"-like pickup line ever? Y'know, if I was a really horrible person?

Below is leaked footage for Todd Hayne's bizzarro Bob Dylan biopic. You know, the one where Bobby Dee is played by Cate Blanchett, Christian Bale, Richard Gere (!?), among others and David Cross is Allen Ginsberg? Pretty tame stuff actually, considering his first film was a biopic of Karen Carpenter as portrayed by Barbie.

Cate studied Don't Look Back hard.

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Ratatouille! Completely restored my faith in contemporary american animation. There are few dorkier things than to act all pretentious with animation (comic books are now, like, totally legit), and I do it well. I was one of those kids who drew cartoons for friends from first grade til... well now. I always said I wanted to "draw for Disney." Now, I'm not so sure, but I do know that Brad Bird's newest film stokes those old embers. One of my favorites aspects of the film is the animating of various character's sensations of tasting good food.

Here's Michael Gagne describing his process of creating these abstract animations of swirling strawberry or popping cheese. Oskar Fischinger would be proud. (Well, maybe not.)

P.S. Anybody dabbled in silkscreening before? Got any good tips, advice, or things I should know before buying one of those dick blick kits? I don't really buy clothes anymore, so I'm figuring I should just make my own...