Saturday, October 14, 2006


I've spent exactly 34 hours of my New York existence watching HBO's The Wire. That could seem like a very sad statement, and y'know, it is, but I like to see it more as faithful, attentative devotion. And hey, if Alex Kolowitz digs it as much as I do, then I at least have some sort of excuse.

In other, more productive news, Jen, Tom Lee, Pedro and I seem to be starting a design firm for musicians. Yep. I don't know lickety-split about bidnezz, but it seems like this could be a lot of fun. So, if you're in a band (of any kind), and need a kickass cd cover, poster, stickers, temp tatts, etc. etc. let US know! Also, if you are a whiz at Illustrator, let me know that too.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Once the bidness is launched, and you have a cache of hot musicians for me to meet/sleep with, give me a call.

I didn't mean that seriously.

Maybe I did.