Sunday, October 31, 2004

i Tentative Class Schedule:

1) Kierkegaard: Philosophy and Meaning in Life
2) Watercolor Painting
3) Contemporary European Film
5) Nordic Mythology
4) Masterpieces of Scandinavian Literature

In Copenhagen, of course. So yes, it's absolutely 100% official although my mind is having trouble keeping up with reality. This whole process has been so stressful, disorganized, and at times, so close to not working out (remember Cuba? or better, New Zealand?) that all these official approval forms and online regristration (online!) are really meaningless to me now. I booked my flight as simple as I ordered lunch (or actually, much simpler) and it was as light and weightless to me as deciding what to eat. Not that I want the whole crushing weight of five months in a place I've never even given more than a combined day of thought to. No, it's much more inspiring and exciting to think of spending the rest of the school year in a place I'd never would've imagined with experiences I never thought I'd have. So, yes, I would say I'm in a delicate balance of ... nervous excitement. It turns out that Kristen will be in Germany at the same time, along with Annie and Emily (I think) in Scotland, and Mama, Tatana, and possibly Diana (mi tia) will be visiting me. On my 21st birthday! Oh yes, it will be one to remember (for its anticlamaticism probably more than anything else. No Birthdaypalooza this year for me). Though I'll be officially able to buy alcohol and responsibly abuse it for the rest of my life a few months before my birthday, it'll be in a place where I could've done the same 3 years ago! But that really doesn't matter, it's just curious to see the effects of these turn of events panning out.
So, I'm rambling, but I needed something immediate to wrangle out these thoughts. It's been an exhausting dynamic lately (well maybe this whole quarter) of being sucked into massive crunch times and suddenly emerge in a expanse of idleness and free-floating. But being quickly sucked back into deadlines and promises. I finished The Unbearable Lightness of Being a week or two ago, and its whole lightness/weight concept has seemed to be accelerated on some kind of warp speed lately. Awesome book though (and yes, I just started Immortality, thank you Zack).
But more animation must be done-- the wonderful process of scanning. My neck is still sore from rocking out so much courtesy to Mouse on Mars (and the Junior Boys & Ratatat of course). I haven't danced like that in a looong time, or at least had a good dancing experience like that, and so many NU kids were there! In fact, I think it was just us NU kids who were dancing, with everybody else energetically shaking their heads and shoulders with feet and legs made of concrete. The Ratatat guitarist even danced with us! Gnarly. So I must nurse my sore neck with visions of lightables and pencils dancing in my head.
Oh, and what does it mean when your application form to your university (not housing form) asks you how tall are you? Damn tall Scandinavian bastards.

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