Friday, July 16, 2004

see the idiot walk!
see the idiot talk!
see the robot walk!
see the robot talk!

i never imagined life would be this diferent coming back to evanston: its apartment life, 7 hr work days, vehicle access, and all consequences thereof swinging full force... but all the while still rather lovely. in fact, evanston's completely different in the summer, and its hard to think of this as the same place that overturns on its side and dies annually from october til may. all in all, my job is pretty awesome, apartment living is the only way to go, cooking makes me happy, and the animation project's making me more and more excited.
if you have called me and i have not returned your call, i apologize, as i seem to forget my phone most of the time and it's been crazy busy. so busy, in fact, that my lego spaceship isn't even completed yet, and that's sacrilege. later tonight i will post some work from the animation thing so let me nkow what you think! drop a comment if you read these words

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